"In all things of nature there is something wonderful". Aristotle
The nature is a source of inspiration for artists and it provides some elements that allow the reflection on what surrounds the human being and coexists with his physical and mental presence. Therefore, the knowledge of nature leads to the exploration of new worlds and new realities that sublimate the individual to a higher level of existence.
Shapes of Nature aims to create a new link between art and nature, from which each artist could be able to sublimate oneself and express own being in a free and unconditional way.
SHAPES OF NATURE - 2nd Ed. is the 12th event of RenovArt | 100 Artists for the Future, dedicated to the best international artistic talents and will be presented in Matera at Lega Navale Italiana cultural hypogeum, from September 12 to October 02, 2024.
Marita Setas Ferro will be at the exhibition with her soft sculpture Moon
